Corporate Philosophy
Chiyoda Corporate Philosophy
1. We contribute to society through our business.
With our deep sense of gratitude toward our customers, we are committed to offering customer satisfaction as our way to contribute to local communities. We bring satisfaction to our business partners, shareholders, and employees through sound business operations.
2. We enrich life with harmonious business management.
We promote human resource development that facilitates humanism and integrity in business management. Our pursuit of profits rests on our commitment to maintaining fairness and rising to challenges.
3. We expand our business with enthusiasm and an enterprising spirit.
Always ready to meet challenges, we work on our tasks with youthful enthusiasm. Attuned to social trends, we seize every business opportunity that comes our way.
Promoting Compliance-based Business Management
Chiyoda fully complies with laws and regulations for just and fair business management. We are committed to becoming an enterprise that keeps earning trust from society.
Chiyoda Group’s Code of Ethics
To establish our corporate ethics and earn trust from society, the companies in the Chiyoda Group have a proverbial code of ethics. The code is designed to fully comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the companies’ overall business operations, specifying courses of action that all Chiyoda employees should follow.
Building Our Compliance Framework
The word “compliance” indicates that the company values social credibility, and that it never commits legally and ethically unpardonable deeds.
To ensure the workability of compliance-based business management and to raise employees’ awareness of compliance, we have a whistle-blowing system and whistle-blower protection rules.
Whistle-Blowing System
Our whistle-blowing system is designed to receive reports and requests for consultation regarding conduct that infringes our corporate code of ethics but cannot be reported via a regular line.
It is guaranteed that, as long as the report is true and unexaggerated, the whistle-blower does not receive unfavorable treatment, and that consideration is duly given to his/her privacy.